This series revolves around the idiosyncrasies of relationships. In particular, the developing relationship of Florence St. Claire and Albert, whose journey is filled with deep routed feelings and anxieties, opposition and obstacles, mixed with true moments of candour and humour providing a beautiful tale that will grab the audience from the very beginning. Florence’s and Albert’s story is set against the backdrop of the St. Clair family, an enigmatic and theatrical family who have spent their lives performing on stage and off stage in the suburbs of Brisbane. Adding to the narrative will be the excitement of the dawn of a new millennia, contrasted by flashes of mid 1980’s culture, Cabaret costumes, all brought to life by Michael Rymer. 

We believe that THE BEST KIND OF BEAUTIFUL is a story that has the potential to engage, shape and challenge audiences both locally and abroad. Showcasing universal themes by pulling back the deep the layers of the characters, exposing the true vulnerability of ‘self’ that we all attempt to grasp at through all stages of life as we grow older and hopefully, like the characters, wiser.


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