Tales of Wonder is a documentary series that explores the history and meaning of the world’s favorite fairy tales – the magic, the mystery and mythology. Everyone has their favorite fairytale. We look to answer why these stories have endured and evolved across the centuries.

Welcome to a series that retells these magical tales in the context of where they came from and what they can teach us about ourselves and each other as we grapple with life in the 21st century. Each episode will focus on one popular tale. From Cinderella’s journey from China over 1,000 years ago into Europe, through to The Snow Queen and its modern-day retelling as Disney’s Frozen.

We’ll reveal to the audience the hidden meanings within each story, and guide the viewers to see the connection to their lives.

Through stunning visual investigation and integral conversations, we look at why these tales make such an impression and stay with us, and why their universal themes travel across cultures and distances. These stories invite us to face and challenge our own fears, by exposing demons and social limitations. The heroines & heroes of these time-honored tales show us how to live full and courageous lives despite obstacles and challenges.

To take the viewer on an exhilarating journey linking the ordinary world and the extraordinary world of fairy tales, we will use ‘magical helpers’ – much like a fairy godmother – to unlock the mysterious and supernatural world of each story. To appeal to a broad audience, the magical helpers will range in age and experience from a teen influencer, to a titan of business, through to a charismatic psychologist and fairy tale academic (who holds a Doctorate in the subject matter and is considered a world expert.)

Our magical helpers will create a narrative thread that shows us how they’ve swept aside the cinders of their lives such as fear and hate – just like Cinderella – or how their lives changed when they befriended a mouse or kissed a frog or looked beyond the immediate facade of a person or situation.

The visual treatment for each episode will move between animation and magical-looking live-action cinematography of real-life people and places, interwoven with a dramatic storyline. The series will use the story-telling structure of fairy tales to trace the cultural origins of these stories and demonstrate why they still carry universal messages of love, compassion, courage, resilience, and good overcoming evil.

This unique series is ultimately about hope – connecting us to our past and present and a way forward rooted in love, resilience and compassion.

The series will be supported a strong online offering to allow audience interaction and further exploration.


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