Jay’s Jungle is a pre-school series that follows the adventures of Jay the lighthouse keeper. Jay lives on a beautiful J-shaped island inside a wisecracking lighthouse called C-Mor. Everyday, the wise and funny C-Mor shines his magical light across the world searching for thoughts and questions to be explored.

Jay and the team – consisting of Funk-E, Jay’s mischievous monkey mate and Bec, the fun loving park ranger who looks after the island – set out to explore the daily theme, discover lots of new things whilst having a great time. Joining Jay and the team on their adventures is the Jungle Crew, a group of inquisitive preschool children who arrive on the island to help solve problems and create interesting things.

Through song and dance, as well as hands on tactile activities, Jay’s Jungle celebrates the importance of teamwork, creativity, and embracing adventure through safe play.

If the team needs more help they can always call on the Monkey band beat-makers, the ‘Tree Top Trio’ (consisting of three monkeys; Funk-E, Jess-E and Leonard) to explore the theme and sing a song or two.

Jay’s Jungle is a fun filled, engaging rumble through a stylised jungle, where questions are asked and ideas are explored through music, story and playful characters that captivate and inspire young minds.


  • Series 1:  65 x 30’ HD
  • Series 2:  65 x 30’ HD
  • Series 3:  65 x 30’ HD


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    Episode 20