Crash Test World is an educational adventure series that takes kids and families around the world to discover what it’s like to live in another culture. As the original Crash Test Girl, host Kari Byron dives (sometimes literally!) into a place to see how history, location and the people who live there, all come together to create a unique local culture. From Berlin to New York City to a Maasai Village in Kenya, Kari crash tests each place, checking out the art, music, sports and favorite activities to see what makes that place tick.

Crash Test World is all about dropping in and testing out a culture to see how it works whilst Kari asks the important questions of our time.

Kari Byron has been a strong presence in the world of reality-based science programming as a host on Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters. Her curious nature makes her the perfect avatar to bring the exploration aspects of Crash Test World to life. Engaging her dualities as a ‘Sci Girl’ and an artist, a brave explorer and curious nerd, Kari infuses each story with her unique personal approach to storytelling, which is both relatable and accessible.


  • 6 x 30′ HD


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    Episode 6