The Healing explores a life-saving equine welfare program that brings traumatised ex-racehorses and traumatised veterans together to help heal each other. Set against the stunning backdrop of country Australia, The Healing is an inspiring journey of recovery that immerses us in the emotional drama of two very different worlds.
The stakes are literally life and death for the horses and humans participating in the Thoroughbred and Veteran Welfare Alliance’s 5-day program. All were highly trained, regimented and of great service and value to their employers, but were then discarded and left to fend for themselves. Their previous skills have rendered them useless in the “real world,” and they now face uncertain futures.
The two vulnerable groups are brought together by professional horseman Scott Brodie, whose unique system of retraining teaches both horses and humans new skills that build trust, patience and confidence. In an extraordinary mutual-healing, the horses are retrained for second careers as equestrian, therapy or recreational horses. The veterans regain their pride and focus, return to work and repair relationships with family and friends.
The Healing will create enormous interest in the Alliance’s ground-breaking program, which can revolutionise the way the Defence Force and Racing Industry responds to the crisis afflicting veterans and ex-racehorses. Urgent change is needed and we need to act now.